Silicone templates

The silicone color cards can be presented in two forms: dots / blots. The material is placed directly on the carrier, e.g. a cardboard template or in holes in the panels (PVC or plexiglass) specially milled in colors (PVC or Plexiglas), which additionally protects against the removal or damage of a colored blot.

The second form is presentation in aluminum profiles. It is an ideal solution for presenting colors in catalogs or plastic pencil cases. Thanks to this form of exposure, we can show a large range of colors on a relatively small surface. The aluminum profile can be 25mm to 90mm long.

Colors in the profiles are glued directly, for example, a cardboard catalog or a stand. It is also possible to put colors in polyurethane foam with the possibility of removing a particular color. We also offer milling holes for the colors of silicones in carriers such as stands (PVC, plexiglass), panels and plastic pencil cases inserts. This additionally protects against removing the profile from the display.

The colors of silicones can be shown in the catalog or box together with the colors of the joints or in an individual display (e.g. stand)


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